re-Pad project

a recycled & reusable menstrual pad

the challange

Millions of women and girls don't have access to safe menstrual products worldwide. Along with the significant health and livelihood impacts, one in 10 schoolgirls in Africa misses school or drops out altogether because of her period.

re-Pad solution

The re-Pad is a recycled and reusable menstrual pad, constructed locally from commonly available materials. An important part of the re-Pad project is engaging the community, and particularly fathers, to construct the pads alongside their daughters. The result is increased awareness and community buy in, as well as strengthened families on an individual level. The rePad project will publish the designs and construction manual for free, and provide support materials, workshops and implementation services for re-Pad projects throughout the world.

Open Source

The re-Pad project is an open source project. The re-Pad "Construction & Care Guide" and "Community Project Guide" will be provided here free of charge.

Launching Soon!

We're in the process of writing guides, documenting pilot projects and preparing supporting materials. If you're interesting in hearing about our progress, sign-up to receive updates.